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vendredi 11 mai 2012
Cordon french straw rush on seats
The traditional rush pattern resembles an envelope in shape, four triangles meeting in the centre of the seat. The pattern is created using a single continuous strand of material. The strand passes over and round the left corner of the front rail, through the centre of the seat, then over and around the left-hand adjacent side rail. From here the strand is bought up through the centre of the seat again then over and around the opposite right hand side rail, through the centre and over and around the front rail. This is the basic pattern repeated round and round the seat rails always passing over the top of the rail slowly building up from the four corners into the middle of the seat. There are many materials used to create a rush seat, traditionally Scirpus lacustris is the most common rush used to hand twist the plump mellow golden seats we usually see. However, hand twisting rush is a true skill, it needs much practice to achieve a strong and even weave.
Rush seating is achieved by twisting natural bulrushes together and weaving them around a chair to form the traditional ‘envelope’ pattern. A natural rush seat is strong and comfortable.